Lucht LHZ becomes a member of IG Infrarot
Burgstรคdt / Saxony, July 26th, 2021:
IG Infrarot is the interest group of the leading manufacturers of infrared heating in Germany. Lucht LHZ joins this association and thus positions itself in the top ranks of German infrared heating manufacturers.
The association deals with questions from the areas of norms, legal standards, quality factors, areas of application and basic information on the subject of infrared heating. The aim is to provide secure, value-free information on this topic for consumers, always with the main focus on providing customers and consumers with comprehensive and best possible information.
The goals and tasks of IG Infrarot
- Provide information and advice on the subject of infrared heating.
- To be the point of contact for end customers, architects and planners, for the media, authorities and politics when it comes to infrared heating.
- Set quality standards and accompany standardization processes.
- Develop application and design guidelines for infrared heating.
Further information can be found on the IG Infrared homepage:ย
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Rafael Frommhold
- Project manager / E-Commerce
- Tel.: +49 (0) 3724 66869 19